As you come back up, squeeze your front leg glute as you bring your rear foot forward to meet your front foot. Start standing upright with a DB in each hand, and feet roughly hip width apart. Lie down underneath the table, with your feet on the floor underneath the table, and your shoulders lined up under the edge of the table. Lie on your side with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45-degree angle. DB Curls; Single Arm Cable Curl; Barbell Curls; Concentration Curls; EZ Bar Curls; Hammer Curls. Hanging Leg Raises; Hollow Body Holds; Barbell or Ab-Wheel Rollouts; Planks; Sit-up/Crunch variations; Other Abdominal Flexion movements. Banded Deadbugs; Birddogs; V-situps; Hollow body holds; Bear Crawls. Thats one repetition. Unless a specific time is prescribed, hold this position for 1-2 seconds, maintaining a straight line from shoulder to hip to to knee to ankle, before lowering back to the start position with control. Allowing a little bend in the knees is good (not stiff-legged), but aim to maintain that same knee angle as you hip hinge, as opposed to actively squatting or flexing at the knees. Take a half kneeling position (with your foot closest to the anchor flat on the floor, and your far side knee down). Control the speed and distance the bar travels by engaging the core. Breathe, brace your core, and repeat. Setup a long resistance band to a low anchor, and loop the free end of the band around both ankles. Begin your rep by contracting your biceps. Standing close to a wall, loop a small elastic rubber or fabric band around your wrists, and place your forearms against the wall vertically while bending at the elbows 90-degrees. Set up on a GHR/GHD machine with the knees slightly behind the pad and feet firmly on the platform. While maintaining a slight elbow angle, pull the band down towards your waist. Replace that hand to the ground, then repeat on the other side. Banded Lat Pullover; DB Pullover; Lat Pull Down variations (wide grip, single arm, etc); Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Rows. Record your test score, as well use this score for our progression. Good Morning; Banded Good Morning; Supermans or Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Pause slightly to avoid any bounce (or for the prescribed tempo), then reverse the movement with control and return the weight to the start position. After youve completed your reps in Position 2, immediately move to Position 3, elevating your hands further (e.g. Stand upright in front of a cable machine, lat pull down, or band attached overhead. For the single arm banded OHP, set up similar to the regular banded version, but use just one hand to press against the band. Once your forearm has reached a vertical position, pause, and reverse the movement, controlling the resistance on the way back to the start position. Hold a wall or squat rack for balance if needed. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground. As soon as you land, jump back up and bring your feet together and hands back to your sides. Can be performed bodyweight or loaded (goblet with a KB, with DBs in each hand, or with a Barbell on your back or in a front rack position). Prone Banded Hamstring Curls; Hamstring Curl 21s; 2-Up, 1-Down Hamstring Curl; Glute Ham Raise; Romanian Deadlift; Stiff-Leg Deadlift. The closer you are to being vertical, the harder the push up will be. Wishing everyone all the best in their health, safety, and livelihoods. The program is easy to follow with all of the exercise descriptions, demos, and substitutions. Plank, Windmills, Turkish Getups, Suitcase Carries. If space is limited, perform these moving forwards and backwards rather than down a line. Start by lying down face up, with sliders or small towels below your feet (or wearing just socks). Skullcrushers; OH Tricep Extension; Dips; Any other tricep exercises. Face a cable setup with a rope handle attached to a low pulley. Any unilateral heavy carry; KB/DB Windmills; Side Planks. Squeeze your butt and drive your feet through the floor, extending until your hips are in line with your torso. Control the band on the way back to the start position. Standing on the edge of a platform, plate, stair, or other elevated surface, position yourself so that the back half of your feet are off the edge. Each non-deload week, well provide instructions on how/when to change your Training Max to fine-tune the prescribed intensity to your individual capacity. Lift the bar up straight out of the squat rack, and step back in a few steady, stable steps. In a lunge position with back leg supported on a bench or box and with weight loaded (barbell on back, goblet in front, or one dumbbell in each hand), sink into lunge position, and squeeze your glutes and quadriceps on your front leg to stand back up. Then, slowly lower your body with control, aiming for ~3 seconds to return to the bottom (if no tempo is explicitly prescribed). Keep your hands in front of your body to support and catch yourself as you get closer to the floor. Repeat for 3-8 repetitions (each rep is a 7-10 second long hold) if rep range is not prescribed, then repeat on the other side. Set up in a staggered stance, with one foots toe in line with the other heel. Set up similar to how you would for a seated cable row with a resistance band anchored at mid-torso height. Option to scale down by using the modified variation by tucking your knees and holding them to your chest while performing your rocks. ); Leg Press variations (especially glute focused, such as wide stance or feet further in front of you); Step Up, Lunge, or Split Squat variations. Ab Walkout; Plank; Hanging Knee Tuck; Hollow Body Hold; Any other abdominal flexion exercise. If youre not a yogi, dont worry. Maintain an extended arm position and raise the cable from in front of your hips/thighs to up over your head. Scale accordingly. Before we go further, we want to start by emphasizing the importance of cultivating an environment of trust, safety, respect, and confidentiality. Aim to keep your flat foot shin vertical throughout the repetition to better target your glute on the flat foot side. Hold the weight overhead or to your chest. Bench Dips or Tricep Kickbacks). Stand up straight and hold two dumbbells with arms down and the weight in front of the thighs. For Level 3 and Level 4: take 50% of your baseline test (max pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) and complete 4 sets of that amount of reps. For example, if you completed 6 reps, then training calls for 4 sets of 3 reps. For weighted pull-ups, use the same added weight that you used to perform your baseline test for each session. Avoid breaking at the hip and hyperextending through the spine. Perform these lying face down flat on the floor or on a bench. For full size plates, we recommend using a deficit height of 1-2 this tends to be enough to overload the range of motion, but not so high that our mechanics, pulling technique, start position, and bar path are drastically different. Start in a plank position with palms on the floor, with your hands together under your chest index finger to index finger and thumb to thumb, creating a diamond between your hands and balls of the feet on the ground. On an incline bench, hold a DB in each hand and press until your arms are extended above your shoulders. Hold a weight (kettlebell, dumbbell, etc) with one hand and walk. Raise hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line. Feet Up Bench Press). If a pause is prescribed, pause at the bottom of the squat for the prescribed duration, focusing on maintaining tension throughout your body as you resist the barbell. On a Glute-Ham-Developer or hyperextension machine, lock in the feet with the hip pad under the pelvis/lower trunk. Aim to maintain a neutral posture (keeping your elbow by your sides, and hips & shoulders square facing towards the anchor), with the only movement coming from flexing your bicep. Keep a slight bend in your elbow, and slowly begin descending the weight without breaking at the elbow (as you would in a press). Substitutions: Turkish Getup, Kneeling Windmill, Windmill. Repeat the movement in reverse (up the front, arms abduct to a T shape, then back down to your sides). Approach the bar as you would for your normal deadlift (either conventional or sumo, whichever is your preferred stance), and perform a deadlift. Of course you can! Contract your calves and extend at the ankles, raising up to your tip-toes. Without lowering the DBs, switch which arm is holding the isometric contraction and perform the prescribed reps with the other arm. resistance profile is hardest in the lengthened position for Position 1, and hardest in the shortened position in Position 2). Option to supinate grip (palms facing up) for a reverse or underhand band pull-apart. Heel Elevated Goblet Squat; Band Abducted Goblet Squat; Goblet Squat w Adduction; Front loaded (DB, KB, barbell) squat; Belt Squats; Leg Press or Hack Squat; Leg Extensions. Meg Gallagher, also known as Meg Squats, is a weathered strength coach, powerlifter, and YouTube personality. Momentarily pause (to demonstrate control of the position), then slowly lower them to the floor with control. Other quadriceps focused exercises (goblet squat, leg press, etc.). Keep your feet flat on the floor, bending 90-degrees at the hip and knee. feet up close grip bench press). Set up a band in a high position, and, a few feet away from the anchor, face sideways so that you are oriented 90-degrees from the anchor. Can I change things around?. If your bar has multiple grip options like this, we recommend setting the barbell so that the handles are lowest to the ground, allowing for the longer range of motion. Holding a DB above your head in one hand with your arm extended, bend at the elbow to lower the weight with control behind your head. To scale this movement, bring your feet closer (easier) or further away/elevated (harder). At the same time, extend the opposite leg out behind you while maintaining a neutral spine. Hold and squeeze at the top, then lower to the start position. Alternate by crossing your training leg over and then under your leading leg for the prescribed time, distance, or repetitions. Once stable, raise one leg off the ground and abduct (move away from the midline of your body), tapping the ground roughly 8-12 away from your starting position without allowing the rest of your body to move. Start by performing Band Pullaparts for the prescribed reps/time, then immediately fix your band under your feet (grabbing one side in each hand), and perform Banded Lateral Raises for the prescribed reps/time. While not always the most fun,checkinphotosprovide more data to assistinour coaching process as we work towards your goals. Bring both feet, bending the knee and hip. Pushup, DB Incline Bench; DB Flye; Cable Flyes. Standing upright, hold a weight plate with hands parallel (palms together, hands on either side of the plate). Squeeze the shoulder blades together and separate the band in a fly-motion. If no plane is specified, perform the variation most comfortable for you. See the demo link above for more detail, as an example of 3+3+3 Iso-Hold Lateral Raises. Do your best to time them so that your hands touch together at the same time as your feet land in your wide stance. Can be scaled harder by switching your point of contact from your knees to the balls of your feet. Retract your shoulder blades and raise your thumbs towards the ceiling. For a more comprehensive overview, check out our longer YouTube instructional video linked here. Widen your stance and angle your toes out until you are in a sumo position. Whatever your target time, you should be evenly distributing your tempo with your range of motion, so that when you are 75% of the way done your tempo, you are 75% of the way down the rep.Can be weighted with DBs in both hands, or holding a DB or KB in front of you (arms extended, weight at belly-button height) to act as a counter balance. Once you reach a full contraction, pause momentarily to avoid any rebound off the bands elasticity, and return to the start position with control. Starting in a kneeling position, bring one leg up into a half-kneeling position, then bring up your second leg until you reach a squat. Quad-dominant barbell squat variations (front squat, safety bar squat, etc. Then, lower yourself down so that your heels reach below the elevated surface until you feel a light (but not painful) stretch in your calves. Traditional Push-Ups; Single Arm Banded Chest Press; Modified Handstand Push-Ups; Bench Dips; DB Bench Press, Machine Chest Press, Barbell Bench Press variations. Do your best to keep your ribs down, hips forward, and glutes squeezed (so that your pelvis is stacked under your torso), rather than arching back. For an advanced version, you can perform this with a DB or KB in your hands as a goblet style Spanish Squat. Close Grip Bench Press Feet Up; Neutral Grip DB press; Close Grip Push-Ups; Bench Dips; Chest Dips. Maintaining this position, finish with Banded Front Raises for the prescribed reps/time. Seated DB OHP; Standing DB OHP; Barbell OHP; Viking or Landmine Press; Machine Shoulder/OHP; Front Plate Raise. Throughout the repetition, aim to maintain a tucked rib cage, allowing your abs to control the movement. The higher bar positioning allows for a more upright torso angle during the squat, placing more emphasis on the quadriceps. Single leg RDL, Single Leg Press, Split squat variations, Lunge variations, Single Leg Hamstring Curls, other unilateral lower body work. Turn around, so that you are now facing away from the anchor. Allow the bar to become motionless (a very slight pause to ensure you are not losing control of the bar or bouncing off your chest), and then begin pressing the bar back up to your start position. Perform curls for the prescribed rep range. Start on a quadruped position on hands and knees. Barbell loaded or banded; Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Once your forearms have reached a vertical position, pause, and reverse the movement, controlling the resistance on the way back to the start position. Focus on movement throughout and in between the reps, not just stretching at the end-range of motions. Press yourself to the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. After all If your first session was hard to the point of failure, how are you supposed to build momentum and actually progress from there? Banded Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension. Set up with your shoulders and butt on the bench and feet on the floor as normal, unless specified (e.g. Scale harder by balancing on forearms only, adding weight to your back, or by placing your hands or feet on an unstable surface like a Bosu ball or suspension system like TRX. Toe in line with your torso is specified, perform these moving forwards and backwards than... Lengthened position for position 1, and hardest in the shortened position in 2! 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