Only Company K in Hosingen was yet to be heard from. He was an instructor at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School (1938-1940). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WW2 US 29th Infantry Regiment DUI Ribbon Bar Shoulder Cord Battle of Bulge Lot at the best online prices at eBay! The 3d Battalion (Maj. Harold F. Milton) formed the regimental right, with its companies on both sides of the ridge line. The regiment was again called to active federal service on 17 February 1941, 10 months prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. 16-20 December, The German attack to penetrate the front lines of the 28th Division succeeded on the first day of the offensive in splitting the 112th Infantry from the rest of the division. The first word of the approaching enemy reached the 110th Infantry headquarters at Clerf shortly after 0615. The field artillery commander in his turn would credit the ably served .50-caliber machine guns and 40-mm. The lion is in the infantry color and both symbols represent the locale of the regiment's combat in World War II. With the few troops remaining, Milton successfully made his way cross-country to the west. About 1000 on 18 December, General Cota received the welcome word that Ration strength was more than 17,000, and forty-two 75-mm. General Cota, as a result, decided to concentrate what was left to him-headquarters troops, engineers, stragglers, and the handful of organized units moving back from across the Clerf-in defense of Wiltz, the 28th Division command post. But there were too few guns and too few air sorties to keep the enemy immobilized for long. According to an article in the October 20, 1945 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, the Nazi offensive was Hitler`s own brainchild; a plan which, "If it failed . When darkness finally came, the 44th withdrew with the assault guns into Wiltz, having lost four officers and 150 men. At l825 Colonel Fuller phoned the 28th Division chief of staff that his command post was under fire and that enemy tanks occupied the town. Viewing, the ground in front of his right armored corps as especially difficult, Manteuffel would give Generaloberst Walter Krueger's LVIII Panzer Corps a fairly narrow front for the initial assault. This threat north of the Marnach road seems to have caused the German commander some concern. The timetable for the 26th Volks Grenadier Division advance called for both its attacking regiments to reach the Clerf River by nightfall of the first day. Across the lines General Cota had little reason to expect that the 110th Infantry could continue to delay the German attack at the 28th Division center as it had this first day. Odds didn't favor the 28th Division. General Cota still had in hand a reserve on the night of the 16th, but it was the last reserve of the 28th Division. On the corps right, then, the 116th Panzer Division (Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg) had orders to attack north of Ltzkampen; at least two or more bridges crossed the Our in this sector. Aside from patrol activity (generally small raids against individual pillboxes) the 112th Infantry sector had been quiet. This move was made early in the morning with disastrous results recorded earlier. 1600 casualties and destroyed 18 tanks during nine days of continuous action, which later became known as the "Battle of the Bulge." The Regiment was awarded . The 110th Antitank Company was in Hoscheid just to the west. Marnach garrison out of the way, but an hour later Company B radioed that three hundred Germans were northwest and southwest of Marnach. observers could see the enemy assembling in the woods just to the north. The Lead-Up to the Battle of the Bulge. a blasted bridge three kilometers east of Heinerscheid and established About 1000 the small tank-infantry team was allowed to return to its original position at Munshausen, and Fuller then ordered the tank platoon to fight its way to Clerf and help defend the town. Rocco J. Arriving in France in late Spring 1918 . In 2004-2005, A Company, 1st Battalion, was deployed with Task Force Dragoon to Tikrit Iraq. In 1947, the Lewistown unit was redesignated Headquarters and Service Battery, 176th Field Artillery Battalion. Because surprise was essential in this stroke for the bridges, artillery fire on the American forward positions in the first moments of the assault was forbidden. The Fifth Panzer commander seems to have been fairly optimistic, although he gave little ear to Hitler's promise of air support. (Lt. Col. Clarion J. Kjeldseth) to Wiltz on the previous evening with from the rear. The 1st Platoon of Company I had Collectively, these units received credit for the following World War II campaigns: Normandy (with the Bellefonte unit participating in the assault landing), Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. By nightfall the American perimeter had been pierced at many points and the defenders pushed back into the center of Wiltz. A sharp attack drove a provisional platoon, made up from the 28th Division band, off the high ground to the northwest, thus exposing the engineer line. Five hundred yards from the Germans, on the far side of a draw, the. This was the end: shots, blazing vehicles, and screaming wounded. as it careened down the road back through Clerf. Replacements, mostly from the Navy, were whipped into shape by the "Old 26th," and first-rate equipment replaced that lost in the east. The German plans had been altered during the day, but of course some 110th Infantry Regiment; 112th Infantry Regiment ; 107th Field Artillery Battalion; 108th Field Artillery Battalion; 109th . Historians, movie-moguls, and audiences love the exploits of the 101st Airborne, dramatized as it was in the Band of Brothers. his assistance, probably to be in position to give support by the late In the darkness and confusion many stragglers made their way into Bastogne and Vaux-lez-Rosires. The 2d Panzer Division advance guard had taken a bloody nose it to call on neighboring battalions, attacking Weiler, to help outflank One of the most gallant combat actions was that of an intelligence and reconnaissance (I&R) platoon's defense near Lanzerath, Belgium, on the first day of the battle. John "Lefty" Zagarella, As Told In Letters, 1941-1945. In the late afternoon of 15 December General Luettwitz gathered his division commanders in the XLVII Panzer Corps forward headquarters at Ringhuscheid for final instructions and introduction to the new commander of the 2d Panzer Division, Colonel von Lauchert, who had been selected at the last moment by the Fifth Panzer Army leader to replace an incumbent who was not an experienced tanker. on numerous occasions before; so it is questionable whether either of them expected the Luftwaffe to make good. Yet there was still an opportunity to retard the 2d Panzer march along the road to Bastogne. The mission remained, but the troops available on 16 December were less than half the number promised: one armored division, the 116th Panzer Division, and two-thirds of an infantry division, the 560th Volks Grenadier Division. The latter consisted of three divisions. Service in the Civil War is shown by the cross pate, the badge of the 5th Corps, 3rd Division, in which the organization served in that war. . Believing that once across the Our River, his left armored attack force, General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von Luettwitz' XLVII Panzer Corps, would find the going better than on the right, he assigned Luettwitz a rather wide front. It will be recalled that the troops at Consthum held the 901st Panzer Grenadier, Regiment at bay until the afternoon of 18 December and, even as they withdrew, continued to block the road to Wiltz. The battalion was activated for federal service in Iraq 19 September 2008, and redeployed back to the States in late August 2009. The road to Hosingen was muddy and winding; but worse, at the western exit of the bridge an American abatis and a series of bomb craters blocked the flow of traffic. Crest: that for the regiments and separate battalions of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard: From a wreath argent and azure, a lion rampant guardant proper holding in dexter paw a naked scimitar of the first, hilted or and in sinister an escutcheon of the first on a fess sable three plates. By the second day it was apparent that the combination of stubborn resistance and poor approach roads would delay the projected crossing at Ouren. Seven officers and fifty to sixty men did reach Donnange. 112th Infantry took up their posts in the . artillery by this time had displaced to the west and was out of range. But at dark he ordered his regimental commanders to hold their positions "at all costs" and began preparations to commit his remaining reserves to restore the situation in the Marnach sector and block the road to Clerf. About noon the 2d Battalion counterattacked and German pressure along the 112th front began to wane. The 28th Division commander agreed to pull back where he could, but by the morning of the 18th it was apparent that to re-establish any sort of front behind the Clerf was impossible. When day came the Americans caught the troops following the advance party of the assault company out in the open. In 1873, Company G, Monongahela Artillery (Everett) was renamed the Light Guards and then redesignated as Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry. east. No help could be expected from either the right or left wing regiments in shoring up the division center. The Lewistown company was consolidated with another company and became Headquarters and Headquarter Troop, 3rd Reconnaissance Squadron, 104th Armored Cavalry Regiment. XLVII Panzer, Corps moved beyond it to the west.3 (Map IV). The 29th Infantry Division (29th ID), also known as the "Blue and Gray Division", is an infantry division of the United States Army based in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.It is currently a formation of the U.S. Army National Guard and contains units from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia.. Adherence to this schedule meant that the villages garrisoned by the American companies would have to be avoided or captured quickly. This initial zone was roughly equivalent to the American defensive position manned west of the Our by the 110th Infantry, the center regiment of the 28th Infantry Division, although the width of the 110th front was about two miles greater than the front assigned the panzer corps. Geilenkirchen intended to erase the salient retained by the Germans The entire action lasted ten minutes. 124th Infantry Regiment. ), The corps commander was loath to yield ground to the enemy. It was the longest battle on German ground during World War II and is the . Early in the afternoon of 18 December a radio message finally arrived at the division command post asking that the regiment be given instructions. On 11 May 1898, these units were mustered into federal service for the. The advance party of grenadiers had moved along the wooded draw between the two companies holding the 1st Battalion line. Meanwhile General Cota had ordered Colonel Strickler to move in the 3d Battalion, 110th Infantry, from Nocher. battalion of the 112th. About 1700 he radioed new orders: the 112th Infantry was to fight a stiff delaying action along the line Weiswampach-Trois Vierges, and thence toward Bastogne. Nonetheless some part of the assault wave had broken through as far as the battery positions near Welchenhausen, where they were repelled by the .50-caliber quadruple mounts of the antiaircraft artillery. by CHARLES B. MACDONALD--249--Attack on Vossenack . A whole series of monkey wrenches had been thrown into the well-oiled machinery of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division. He was able to convince the Army Group B commander that a stand should be taken on a number of tactical points which, in Manteuffel's judgment, were essential to success in the forthcoming attack. good tank-going could not be expected until the Marche-Rochefort line Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. Meanwhile he dispatched Second, he had to disregard his own flanks, particularly on the south, and resolutely refuse to detach any force for flank protection until the main body was west of the Meuse. On the corps left, however, General Kokott and the 26th Volks Grenadier Division jumped the gun. Tanks, tank destroyers, and guns were rushed up from the depots at Mayen, but on 15 December the two panzer grenadier regiments were still missing 60 percent of their regular rifle strength and the panzer regiment had ready only one of its two battalions (with 27 Mark IV's and 30 Panthers). Equally important, the green 1130th Regiment (incorporated into the 116th Panzer Division attack on the second day) had failed to follow closely in the path of the tanks and so gave American riflemen and machine gunners time to get set after the tanks rolled past. columns. In October 1919, the battalion's units were Company M, 112th Infantry (Lewistown), 103rd Trench Mortar Battery, 103rd Engineer Battalion (Tyrone), Company F, 112th Infantry (Huntingdon), Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry (Everett), Company G, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry (Altoona), and elements of the 108th and 109th Field Artillery (Bellefonte). But now the north road into the town was open. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. From that day on, the names Fismes, Fismette, Fond de Mezieres, and Argonne would never be forgotten. The 77th had been unable to win a quick decision at Hosingen. About 1515 Nelson sent his executive officer, Lt. Col. William F. Train, to the 28th Division command post with orders to report personally on the regiment's position. The Bellefonte unit was mustered into federal service in January 1941 as Battery B, 190th Field Artillery. The Our, in many places, was no more than forty feet wide and easily fordable, but the roads leading to the river made circuitous and abrupt descent as they neared its banks. Infantrymen of the 110th Infantry, 28th Div., US 1st Army following the German breakthrough in that area, Bastogne, Belgium, 19 December 1944. On the evening The division advance guard from the 15th Parachute Regiment (supposedly on its way to capture Sibret) somehow became confused, wandered away northward, and about 1500 struck the 687th Field Artillery Battalion, whose batteries had displaced to a road angling southeast from the town.20 Battery A met the tanks leading the German column with direct fire, disabled or destroyed them, and briefly slowed the advance toward Wiltz. Those in the south fell back toward Wiltz, the division command post. Designated as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, the unit was mobilized on 28 April 1898 and activated into federal service for the SpanishAmerican War on 10 May 1898 at their mobilization site, Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania. The year 1921 saw many changes in unit designation: Bellefonte was redesignated Troop B, 52nd Machine Gun Squadron, the Altoona unit was redesignated as Company G. During 1921, Company D, 1st Pennsylvania Engineers was organized. the thin infantry line on the Wahlhausen road. It was released from active duty in 1953 and was redesignated Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion 104th Cavalry. He wanted an attack on a broad front with both tank corps in the line at the opening gun-this point Hitler conceded. The assault gun platoon gave good support wherever the line was threatened, but by the end of the afternoon its fuel and ammunition were nearly gone and the gunners, after four days of nearly continuous action, were approaching complete exhaustion. At the chteau by the south bridge 102 officers and men of the regimental headquarters company still were in action. eager to be in at the kill. Company B, on the extreme north flank, had been forced back into the 424th Infantry area, but about 235 men withdrew cross-country toward Ouren. As yet, however, the Americans had no way of knowing that the bulk of the 2d Panzer Division actually was moving down the road to Clerf or that a counterattack would collide with any such German force. . The 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry was formed from the 1st Battle Group Infantry on 1 April 1963. The Huntingdon unit became Troop K, 3rd Battalion of the 104th Armored Cavalry and one of the Altoona companies became Howitzer Battery, 3rd Battalion 104th Cavalry. The 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry was formed from units of the 104th Armored Cavalry on 01 April 1975. Organized by Pennsylvania in 1878, the division was made up of units that had already earned battle streamers for contributions in conflicts from the American Revolution to the Civil War. howitzers with one- and two-second fuzes. About 0720 the company crossed into the 110th Infantry zone, where the ground rose away from the highway and forced the tanks to advance in column on the road. thing was agreed upon: Bastogne had to be taken before the bulk of the There the American tank platoon from Company B, 707th Tank Battalion, hit into the German flank while attempting to reach Weiler and, it would appear, caused disorganization and confusion. In the late evening of 16 December German artillery began to range into Clerf, apparently covering the advance of patrols from Marnach. Here in the south daylight patrols also operated to maintain control of the eastern bank, although the main positions were around Lieler and Lausdorn. (Lewistown) and the Bellefonte Fencibles, both organized in 1858. There were also available some Manteuffel allotted Luettwitz the 15th Volks Werfer Brigade (108 pieces), the 766th Volks Artillery Corps (76 pieces), the 600th Army Engineer Battalion, and the 182d Flak Regiment, all motorized. At dawn the Panther Battalion of the 3d Panzer Regiment came clanking into Clerf, after a night move from the Our River, and found tanks from the Mark IV Battalion playing cat and mouse with the Americans in the chteau. 112th Regimental Combat Team, WW1 29th Infantry Div Casualties, WW2 303rd Bomb Group, Casualties, WW2 . The battle plans and tactics of the Fifth Panzer Army, more than those of any other German army that took part in the Ardennes counteroffensive, bore the very strong personal imprint of its commander, General Manteuffel. 28th Infantry Division's 112th Infantry Regiment: Manhay area 30th Infantry Division: Malmdy, Stavelot, Stoumont, La Gleize . This sizable town lay in a bend of the Wiltz River valley, southwest of Clerf and some three miles away from the enemy-held crossings at Wilwerwiltz. The unit was mustered out of federal service on 6 December 1945 at Camp Gordon, Georgia. The best troops and newest equipment were placed in the division reconnaissance battalion, heavily reinforced, which was slated to join the reconnaissance battalion of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division in spear-heading the advance once the Clerf River had been crossed. The regiment was awarded battle streamers marked Champagne 1918, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Marne, Lorraine 1918, and Meuse-Argonne for its service in France. Through the early hours of 17 December American outposts reported sounds of tank movement in Ltzkampen. During the Battle of the Bulge the 112th RCT managed to . Two hours later the 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt of these instructions. Most members of the 1st Battalion, for example, eventually found their way back to the regiment. DECEMBER 1944. The seven tanks counted here strangely enough made no effort to attack (perhaps the rough terrain and dragon's teeth along the American bunker line did not appear too promising) . Finally, the regimental antitank and cannon companies were disposed around Ouren guarding the bridges, the roads, and the regimental command post. A Time For Trumpets (MacDonald, 1984) can provide you good background on the fight that the 110th IR put up at Clerveaux. A gap remained in the center of the 1st Battalion line and small groups of the enemy were wandering along the Our River. Company C earned the Combat Infantry Streamer. to pivot its weight on Ltzkampen in a drive southwestward toward Two of the American tanks, destroyed during the German assault later in the day. In fact the troops of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division sent against Wiltz from the northeast were acting under orders to protect the flank and rear of Panzer Lehr against possible American counterattack from the Wiltz valley. Bad tank Both Luettwitz and Manteuffel had been "promised" air support. For their exploits, the I&R Platoon, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, would later become "the most heavily decorated . When the mortar crews and antitank platoon had used all their ammunition they joined the infantry in the center of the village and fought as riflemen. When the 28th Division arrived on the VIII Corps front in mid-November its regiments were in pitiable condition. against the British and American advance in southwest Holland, and had All of these units were released from federal service in 1945. The 2d Battalion, 112th Infantry Regiment's heritage can be traced back to the Logan Guards In fact it represented Heilmann's failure to gain control of his division, for the orders were to bypass Wiltz. U.S. Army infantrymen of the 290th Regiment fight in fresh snowfall near Amonines, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge, Jan. 4, 1945. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1985. Colonel Fuller set. General Cota had been trying through most of the morning to reach Nelson. 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB The latter was a hard-driving commander, daring and tenacious, and had a reputation of giving help to neighboring formations without debate. in house-to-house fighting with Company D and Company B, 103d Engineer This time the bridge was blown. It is southeast of Aachen, Germany.D-Day for the Battle of Hurtgen Forest was November 2, 1944, H-hour was 0900. Picture 1 of 6. The 112th Infantry Sector The bridges at Clerf and Wilwerwiltz were in German hands (no preparations had been made to destroy them); most of the sixty tanks committed in the central sector were destroyed. 1st Battalion has worked [its] way back." The 44th Combat Engineers, the rear guard unit at Wiltz, probably suffered most, the enemy accounting for 18 officers and 160 men during the final withdrawal. Reports include lessons learned, analysis, and criticisms. Hitler himself seems to have favored this concept (it is found in the first Fuehrer operations order), but only in the Fifth Panzer attack would assault detachments be found inside the American positions when the initial barrage opened up. In this case, as in many others during the American withdrawal, the full story is that of the cooperation of the combined arms. and maneuver was possible. The Fifth Panzer Army Attacks the 28th Infantry Division. The telephone wires connecting the American-held villages were shot out in the first few minutes and Fuller could not reach any of his battalions; artillery radios, however, continued to function. The unit was noted for actions in the Battle of Coamo, where the regiment sustained six wounded and one killed in action during a blocking action. He fought in Northern France, was part of the force that liberated Luxembourg before dying of wounds sustained by German artillery fire in the Siegfried Line Campaign, September 19th, 1944. By noon Company D had so many prisoners that it "couldn't handle them all!" Finally the Germans took the village, only to be driven out again. Shortly before noon German pressure noticeably relaxed. The total impact of the severe German blows dealt the 110th Infantry in the late afternoon and evening of 17 December was not felt at the division and corps headquarters for several hours. Colonel Fuller had ordered a platoon of the 2d Battalion to swing south and bar the road, but it was already dominated by the German armor. For some reason the tank platoon sent from the 707th had not reached the Company I area when night fell. He even dispatched a kampfgruppe to seize a bridge considerably south of Clerf apparently intending to swing his attack column to a poorer road in the event that Clerf continued to hold. On March 12, 1879, Governor Henry Hoyt signed General Order Number One appointing Maj. Gen. John Hartranft as the first division commander of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and the most storied and renowned division in the history of the U.S. Army was born. It was in Hoscheid just to the enemy assembling in the Band of.... Was still an opportunity to retard the 2d Panzer march along the draw! Was again called to active federal service in 1945 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt these! 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