Send someone in front of Dinky the Dinosaur. After the player character leads her to her death at the hands of Boone, it is possible to loot her body for a key and use it to unlock a safe in the room at the entrance. Given by Picking the lock to safe of course, shows up as a bad idea. Love. It helps that this character is played by comedian. Default How am I supposed to compete with that?! Jeannie May Crawford who are you? This exchange with Christine where she tries to explain what she was doing there in the first place. Then a mad Brahmin appears from nowhere, having run right up and over a boxcar wall towards you. It survived for over 200 years despite being predicted to fail in two weeks and was only disbanded by Mr. House after he won the Vault in what's implied to be a rigged game. They just stand there and WATCH. Even better: Originally, when you woke up, you and Cass would be married, in a ceremony conducted by The King, no less, with no memory of it whatsoever. Jeannie May, the unlikely woman responsible for the disappearance of Boone's wife and unborn child, has been killed. Think about it or don't. If you wait and watch, the female soldiers will flank the prostitute and start dancing. ", as one of only five characters in the base game to have Very Evil karma. And how Cass describes them: "It's this slimy scaled thing; like a lakelurk, except no legs. Even funnier when you realize that the reason why the Int 2 or lower character shouts Ice Cream is because they mistake the Mister Handy for an ice cream dispenser. Novac He will ask the Courier how they knew it was her. Several of the Courier's interactions with Benny once you track his ass down double as this and, It's also pretty funny when you find the Great Khans in Boulder City. Topic Started By Stats Last Post Info; New Vegas on intel HD graphics Started by sheogorathlordofmadness , 26 Feb 2011 2 replies One for My Baby: It is revealed that Jeannie May sold Boone's wife Carla and her unborn child into slavery to Caesar's Legion. Testing FISTO is even funnier if you have companions. Morris began her career as a sports journalist in 1968 after her then-husband, NFL player Johnny Morris, was asked to write a weekly column for the now-defunct Chicago's . Prices are subject to change without notice. Luckily, Orris never seems to notice. And other times, he apparently likes to booze it up (even though beer is supposedly verboten in the Legion) and stroll around in Sexy Sleepwear (even sillier-looking since the default model for it is the female teddy). If the Courier did not get the evidence, it is possible to pass a Speech check of 55. Did anyone else laugh like crazy when they told Cliff Briscoe they killed Jeannie May Crawford because she missed their wake-up call? The implication here is that it purges your body of the poison and rads by making you crap them out. ", When the Think-Tank first encounters the Courier, Dr. Klein mistakes the fingers and toes for. The dialogue options contain all the quest-related reasons possible (Caesar asked you to do it, the NCR asked you to do it, you're doing it so you can use Yes Man to take over his technology), but you can also simply say: "Because I don't like you." 4 Normally, you would need to be pretty much already a brain surgeon if you want this operation to succeed, but you can instead pull it off flawlessly with a Medicine skill of just 20 (, If you sneak into Aurelius of Phoenix's office you'll find a Grognak comic, some toy cars, and a teddy bear, indicating that the gruff and serious centurion with his incredibly spiffy helmet is secretly still a bit of a child. Justified in that they sent you there to get rid of the ghouls, not particularly caring, the NCR doesn't care if somebody straight-up kills him in the middle of their base. If the Courier choses to kill Crawford by themselves, the quest cannot be proceeded. The best part? Role Hit Points: 140DT: 0 "Two plus two uh erFOUR-BIDDEN! You can go visit Vault 34 yourself and discover that in the short time since he left, everyone else in the vault has turned into feral ghouls. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I had to collect myself before continuing. All the time, all the time, but. After it all, I get Manny out.. When you ask Doctor Mobius for a way to peacefully resolve the conflict with the Think Tank, he suggests appealing to their humanity and drops this gem: If you're playing as a female courier who, for one reason or another, is supporting the Legion, Ulysses assumes you're going to betray them. Speaking of Briscoe, his house. I'd suggest removing all saves after having used the console commands to keep your game more stable, but it's your game. Waiting for her to go out at midnight and saving/reloading occasionally fixes this bug. One of three things can happen: you can convince her you're a super mutant declaring a revolt, in which case she sentences all "Dumb-dumbs" to death, you can be quiet in which case she grumbles and ignores you, or, you can go the. During the quest "Beyond the Beef," you can frame Gunderson for the murder and report it to a Securitron. At age 18, Mai launched her career as a makeup artist for MAC Cosmetics while still living in San Jose. I Forgot to Remember to Forget It's funny, just keep your shoes on so we don't have to hear those penis toes slapping the ground as you walk. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Also at the Ultra-Luxe if you kill Benny: The leader of the White Gloves' reaction to one of her colleagues attempting to surreptitiously reintroduce them to cannibalism: Even your first contact with the casino can be hilarious. Fallout: New Vegas character Considering that you will be killing Jeanie May anyway for the quest, You should be able to still just get all the evidence and present it to Boone. When i try to enter the (player.additem000000f) cheat it doesnt work, Why? and he can't really reward you for killing her, so keeping the discount makes sense Speaking of Cass and penis fascination, she'll have much to say about House's life-extending contraption, specifically the very prominent tube connected to his crotch. Courier: She missed my wake-up call. You wearing a wire? Dam!Fantastic mentions that he's been promoted to "God-damn dam god". flung around with the same ragdoll physics as a normal human. Hey! His responses if you do things detrimental to your efforts: Possibly Yes Man's finest quote, which he says when you complete the game in the Independent route. I killed a Deathclaw my first time I passed Sloan. Gameplay More, if he'd reloaded! Go ahead and check Straus' medical skill. You can normally do this by going to Settings, Account, and scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Dead Money is not exactly humor-oriented, but it has its moments: Talking to Dean Domino with low Intelligence. Female,,, The player character can purchase a hotel room key from Jeannie May for 100 caps, or for free if the player character has Accepted status with Novac. I know exactly what I'm doing. Some of the lines you can say right after rescuing Raul (but not necessarily recruiting him) are hilarious because they're so. It was pretty obvious how they did it. Asking O'Hanrahan about why he joined the Army. You are given the "G.I. Trying to give the Bitter Springs refugee camp an irradiated supply crate: Failing to convince Sarah to buy non-Vault suits (and trying to convince her to sell leather armor). Be good, or. its' like obsidian thinks i'm 10 y.o. Yet more Monty Python humor. Faction Sign In; Cart . It was popularized by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Billie Holiday, and more recently, Hugh Laurie. right? Press J to jump to the feed. Do I still get my discount?", although Boone was her killer. In the fourth case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Manfred von Karma shoots Gregory Edgeworth dead and then adopts his son Miles in order to raise him to become the exact kind of Amoral Attorney Gregory despised. ", I just love how you can tell him straight up that you stone cold killed her, and he's like "Oh, that's horrible! Try asking Mr. House where The Strip gets its power. Outside Gomorrah, sometimes there will be a small group of male and female NCR soldiers cheering at a dancing prostitute. :41Unarmed:43 Jeannie May Crawford is the owner-operator of Novacs Dino Dee-lite Motel in 2281. If you haven't noticed, F.I.S.T.O. I never asked her to rent a room, before she got head shot'd. Essentially, if you completely close your store - there is no bill once it's cancelled. Or pretend you're a ghost. Jeannie May killed, can I not get a hotel room now. Aggression What does he say after watching you blow his employer's head off with a shotgun? Do I still get my discount? Well, I'm not gonna make the first move. If you tell Yes Man that you got a faction to side with either the NCR or the Legion instead of him: And then there's this conversation option if you side with him: If you look closely, it seems Yes Man actually. When you go to unplug Mr. House, he asks you why you're doing it. Do I still get my discount? Then later on I was talking to No-Bark, he brings up having a clean as can be home. slightly tilted when looking at the screen. I got a super rare, uh Mojave snowglobe! Mounting an attack on The Fort will lead to every Legion soldier in the camp going aggro and attacking you. Oddly enough, checking the .txt file for Dr. 8's lines makes it even funnier, as many lines have what's basically their translation. As in, Another hilarious line comes from a random member of the Kings, who mentions how hungry he is and how he could really go for a Fancy Lads, then has a flustered, After the Legion and the casinos confiscate your weapons when you enter, by the time you meet the Boomers and are told to come quietly, you're probably expecting to be disarmed. . I just ignored that one. Lines are assigned to characters by who voices them, not the voice they speak in. Now that the evidence has been obtained, wait until Boone is at the sniping spot (between 10 PM and 9 AM) to confront Jeannie and ask her to take a stroll with the Courier in front of the dinosaur. After cracking the safe, take the 'Bill of Sale' note only; stealing the other items may result in some Novac infamy. He will act nervous and uneasy but will not take back the motel key. Talk to certain NPCs and you discover that the machine Fantastic is messing with was actually the intercom. Xunelox: Right. Ki- killed her? oh yeah I saw a new dialogue option showed up for Cliff, it's "i killed Jeannie May, do I still get my discount?". And he's at a desk doing paperwork. The worst part is we don't even really get more background on Jeannie May Crawford character other than the fact that she runs the dino Dee Lite. SPECIAL He wears a magnificent helmet and armor fashioned from the uniforms of his fallen enemies. Jeannie May is stationed there for most of the day, but if you return there in the middle of the night (or simply wait her out with the in-game wait option until the wee hours of the morning), you . "Well, there's many things they have forgotten, sitting in their bowls. Marianne Muellerleile Aug 26, 2013 #1. Blow up the sulfur caves under Vault 19 after exterminating the geckos in them, and then report to Samuel Cooke for a case of you, the player. I looked around, asked some others. Talk to him about his wife and the Courier will receive the quest to find out who sold his wife off to slavers so he may kill them . Cliff Briscoe appears only inFallout: New Vegas. [5][6] The prejudice is only deepened by her awareness that Novac exists by the salvage of the REPCONN test site and any ghouls standing in the way threaten the basis of the town's economy. More points for trying to pretend you're a super mutant declaring a revolt, but failing the Speech check. I had already completed Manny's quest, so it's not too bad. Beginner Box ; Rulebooks . Overview; Armor and Clothing; Characters; Creatures; Factions; Items; Locations; Quests The default name gives the usual "Some people call me, When you enter Nipton, you run into Oliver Swanick, the extremely over-eager "winner" of Vulpes', When you end a conversation with Swanick, he'll immediately switch from his elated tone of voice to a casual "Bye.". Boone If the Courier choses Jeannie May as Boone's target, the next time they speak to Cliff Briscoe, he will inform them that he is the new proprietor of the motel and gives you the key. Speaking of The Fort, there's a minor one that happens during one of your earlier meetings with Caesar (or one of the final ones if you plan on betraying him). Jeannie May Crawford appears only inFallout: New Vegas. An example of which is the set of. It has been 10 weeks!!! Even better, everyone dies regardless of your actions, so you can just stand there clueless until everything is over. My hat is off to you, that takes balls. The reason for this becomes clear when asking Boone, "What do I do if I find this person?" Talk to Boone. One for My Baby: It is revealed that Jeannie May sold Boone's wife Carla and her unborn child into slavery to Caesar's Legion. Turns out he took (natural). If you have low intelligence theres special dialogue that makes his incoherent mumbling into intellectual, eloquent descriptions of him seeing some kids playing with the gun and he gives you some genuine advice on avoiding his choices that led him to his present infirmities and spiritual woes.. I had to collect myself before continuing. At Nellis, talking to one of the Boomers about food: Even better is the failed Speech check at Mojave Outpost when trying to get Meyers pardoned by the NCR: Trying to get the White Glove Society to fess up about a kidnapping: Trying to convince Mr. House to pay you extra for the delivery of the Platinum Chip: Failing to convince drug-runner Jack to make beneficial chems: When attempting to set a couple of Freeside addicts back on the straight-and-narrow, but lacking the scientific knowledge to know what the hell you're talking about: Trying to get a shady character to offer to sell you Jet: Showing a Legionnaire how to disarm mines. Now, work your way back into the dinosaur statue and speak with Boone at . He states his name proudly as "zero, with a slash through it" (to differentiate between the number and the letter O, which Klein called him). Location He never says a word about it so why should I? The 2006 American Celexa (citalopram) monograph noted under warnings, under the Heading ECG, that: Online Cash Back. If you have negative reputation with the Powder Gangers (and you likely will) he'll be less than thrilled to see you. The final battle, if you fail to convince Klein not to try expanding the Think Tank's research to the Mojave Wasteland. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First . ED-E's portion of the epilogue sequence as told by, Once you have found 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps, you will be granted access to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters' vault room to claim your reward. In the middle of Powder Ganger territory. And he still gives you a discount! There's a random encounter where you might get attacked by. Keeping Boone's 1st Recon beret on after he shoots Crawford will allow it to remain in the Courier's inventory, and if worn will occasionally be commented on by non-player characters. If the player character has the discount with Cliff, he can be used to remove stolen tags, so they can remove the "owned" label on items they want to display in their house, with no loss of caps. 6% Cash Back For Purchases Sitewide. Choosing this makes House go nuts. Normally Arcade sounds very intellectual but in this case he's trying to make himself sound stupid and he doesn't do a good job at all. To complete this quest without loss of Karma, have Jeannie May shot by Boone, loot the safe key from her corpse, and retrieve the bill of sale. Then later on I was talking to No-Bark, he brings up having a clean as can be home. ?and he can't really reward you for killing her, so keeping the discount makes sense, i did this a long time ago, so i don't remember the specific answer, so forgive me on thati get your pointit is rather stupid to suggest thishowever, for people who didn't get the discount before, it is an option to get it now (although the exact question doesn't really fit, as it means that you already got the discount)so all in all, it's probably the best of a bad situationthere are other moronic parts of the game, including some dialog optionsthere is a may of changing\removing them through modding, but i don't really know if we can do better (at least when you think of changing existing dialog)and there is also the problem of it being voice acted (and most people wouldn't like silent conversations)so as i said, it's probably the best of a bad situation, i guess im the only one who thought this was funny. 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