When you decide to, you can change the world. In love, you are more passionate than other Aquarians. And also the most critical and demanding. You can be a good politician in search of recognition and fame. Venus tears away Saturns asceticism so that pleasure sensations prevail: eat, love, make money. Jupiter benefits you and makes you happy, relieving your depressions. They are iron-willed and can be controlling. Its can be addicting to try and categorize everything. They are tough-minded, ambitious and work hard to achieve their goals. Moon in Aquarius individuals are known to be compassionate and intellectual. At work, you may have problems because of your tendency to want to dominate others. Do not let all the applause make you conceited. If you suffer from heartache, try to get over it so you do not feel troubled, pessimistic and unhappy. Melancholy will be one of your weak points, perhaps because you perceive, with greater clarity than other Aquarians, the human drama in all its dimension, and the needs of others that sometimes you can not meet. Friends are helpful to you in both career and personal matters. This Sun Moon combination creates a man who is ambitious, determined, resourceful, methodical and earthy. The Scorpio-Sun-Aquarius-Moon man is a mysterious person who is full of charisma. In the combination of Capricorn with Libra rising, severity coexists with playfulness. But they will never allow money to rule them. Moral issues distress you. The rising sign of Capricorn is a potent mix of keen brilliance and self-doubt. Despite their apparent qualities, these natives lack confidence in their abilities. Saturn is the ruler of this sign and has a strong influence on all aspects of personality. These people have a lot of ambition and want to go places. They really need to put their cards on the table. The Lord of Darkness More seriously, one cannot say that you display a You fulfill your duties to the letter, and you exhaust yourself with work. Capricorns are practical, realistic and often set high standards for themselves. Your renunciation is so complete and committed that you can even hold high religious positions. They are brilliant, inventive, and You also the most ambition, but not as in Sagittarius, but rather in its most consistent form. Your intellectual rigour and discipline, inherited from Saturn, amaze those who thought that you were exuberant and idealistic, two features proper to Uranus. ago. The Cancer ascendant is almost opposite to the Aquarius sun sign. Your combination of these planets shows what you are like as a person and how others perceive you. That is the most accurate reading Ive ever read on my horoscope. WebBe Unique. These individuals are determined and find success to be of paramount importance. Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon individuals have high standards and arent very tolerant of people who dont act the way they think its correct. Aquarius Rising individuals approach new places and situations with a spirit of adventure, even though the spirit does tend to wear thin. Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising. Having a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, beware of becoming too stern a judge. You are tremendously possessive. She can change from one thing to another as fast as you can blink your eyes. Loves to explore the domain of hidden worlds, can be very creative and philosophical, having a high level of intelligence and strong intuition. These people have the resources to become financially secure and enjoy the finer things in life as a result of their strong work ethic and desire to be well-known in some area. Discipline and management characterize them a lot. A Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon individual is ambitious and hardworking, with a deep-seated need to make an impression upon the world. Emotions never get the better of you. What is it that Scorpio can not obtain? Leo always imprints power to any sign. Each sign contributes what the other needs so that the mind functions harmoniously. Focused and persistent, these people can be masterful in both planning and taking action. Thought and kindness make you ethical and just. Typically strong willed but powerfully psychic, they are searching for whats hidden. You are stubborn and headstrong, but if someone earns your trust they will find. Nobody really gets your personality, not even your mother. Lotta feels/ups and downs with family this year, Same big 3! Your combination of Scorpio and Aquarius make you a secretive woman who rarely expresses her emotions or needs. Reserved and mysterious by nature, their seductive powers often come as a complete surprise to those who dont know them well. Many will wonder how many of their amusing stories are true. Im cerebral and curious and physically short / big eyes/ stylish etc. You come across as intense and passionate especially when engrossed with a new idea or exciting project. This might be the most reserved and mysterious sun sign/rising sign combination in the zodiac. They are the type that will take on so much that they could work themselves into a nervous breakdown if theyre not careful. They want security and to support themselves, but they dont insist on getting rich. Your ups and downs are the breeding ground of both building up and wrecking. Maybe it is because of my Venus in Pisces. This sign likes red colors and leather objects. Her inner toughness combined with her extreme sensitivity and compassion will surely make her a unique woman among the rest. Your inclination towards Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon people are the deeply philosophical, analytical, resourceful and intuitive souls of the Zodiac. The Scorpio woman is complex, fascinating, sexy and bold. (Its vital for you to have some healthy outlet for all that energy, because repressing it could cause serious problems.) Your emotional intensity finds a ground wire in Capricorn. ago. Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon individuals value loyalty but sometimes they can appear distant as they prefer to keep their distance from others. As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, though you appear confident on the surface, you probably feel a great deal of insecurity and confusion deep within. Having a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, there is something of the devil in your soul. A lively and artistic soul, you are always fascinated by the enigmas that life presents. Someone with too many friends will not be to his liking because he likes spending time with his lady and no one else. They are an intense emotional soul who has a deep connection with everything around them. Not only does she get projects done at work but she also keeps the family ship sailing along smoothly. Cap Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Rising. Scorpio loves to overdo things, and that doesnt sit well with Capricorns temperance and Daily horoscope for Capricorn. They can be manipulative and controlling, using powerful will power if necessary to attain their goals. With such a powerful fusion working together in harmony within us all, its no wonder why this select crowd is often seen as ultra-special! This pairing tends to resist emotionality, and Virgo ascendants are typically slow to anger. They tend to be very secretive but highly magnetic people who have a great sense of emotional awareness. Please leave a comment below and let me know. He can make a great government agent or CEO of a big corporation. They make astute observers of human nature, able to assess characters with ease. Born from December 22 to January 19, Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon men are known for their innovative creative abilities. Your actions will always have a humanitarian tinge, and you will reject any reward. But really Id give wager its you, me and us that are really making the effects on the stars, not the other way around. These people are exceedingly tight-lipped and often all-knowing. And theres a hell-bent fearlessness in these take it on the chin Capricorns that equips them to handle unreasonably demanding jobs that others avoid. Your Ascendant sign is Aquarius, which means that, at first glance, people feel the influence of Aquarius on your outward appearance It may be different from your inner self, which defined by your Sun sign. Scorpio Soulmate Compatibility: Whos Their Lifetime Partner? You test yourself and others to get to the truth. The Aquarius rising makes me somewhat quirky and hard to read- I can be emotional but wont ever cry in front of others unless I feel super close to them. Despotism does not help you and your loved ones understand each other. These guys know what people and groups think because they are fine psychologists. Not to mention they desire to become intimate on a deeper level and expect only loyalty. Sometimes, you can even overreach and go beyond what is allowed. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. Theyre not one to pull the wool over someones eyes, but they may do a bit of fast talking to win their point when this becomes necessary (and necessary, to them, means whenever they arent getting their own way). You have both a scientific and an artistic turn of mind. The combination makes a My house is decorated nicely and will always be clean (libra moon tendency- I need my surroundings to look and feel good). Scorpio (Born November 3 to 12) and Scorpio Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Scorpio: March 2023 Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends Offer available to new customers only. So think: Scorpio fuel, Aquarius form. While they seem very grave and composed, they dont think of themselves as being like this. This means at this age, she will own a house, a car and will be on her way to success at work. My Pisces moon gets me every time. Scorpio is the eighth and most mysterious zodiac sign. And they will bring this side of them in any relationship they will have. Their sense of humor is quite enjoyable. Your Sun sign is Capricorn, which means that it is only when people know you well that your Capricorn traits become obvious. This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Your email address will not be published. He worships it, so dont expect too many expensive gifts from him. Ambitious and determined, this lady will manage to attain her goals and fulfill her dreams. But this wont happen too often. Cap sun, Pisces moon, Gemini rising. It It wasnt until someone did my chart that I finally started to realize and accept how soft that moon makes you. Scorpio and Aquarius are two fixed signs, which symbolize the sustaining of what has already been created. The Capricorn woman often chooses a path to self-fulfillment through service to others. You will succeed in any undertaking, provided that you face it with the spirit of conquest. Spiritual ideals are sometimes neglected in favor of petty interests. Remember that your freedom ends where the others begins. Thanks for sharing. They have a low tolerance for dishonesty but are very tolerant of others mistakes and misjudgments. When you are not mulling over what you will do when you come up, you will be thinking about how much you miss your childhood. Their intuition is their strongest trait, known for seeing the hidden truths in life. Aquarius Rising individuals are modern, forward-thinking, and progressive, yet you are as set in your ways as Capricorn or Taurus. Aquarius accepts humans as they are. Your mental openness, together with a certain vision of the future, give you a great prophetic capacity. He usually knows what he desires, and when in love, he can make any lady go crazy about him. You are quick-witted and lively, open in your dealings, honest and truthful. They enjoy jobs that allow them to handle confidential or privileged information and excel in positions that require the selective dispensing of sensitive data. This weakens your critical sense. Aquarius is usually described as a sign of change, however, the following quote is much more true to the Aquarius mission: Humanity is as it is; its not about changing it, but about knowing it. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, known for being disciplined and responsible. People born under this sign have an interest in the unknown, from cryptic symbols to urban legends. They are practical, stable and independent. A Capricorn, a Cancer or another Scorpio man would be perfect for her. Yea I think the aqua makes me care too much about my wardrobe also - but damn it feels good to go out being fresh! This combination, however, is WebCapricorns with Scorpio rising are especially adept in these types of roles because, among other things, theyre fiercely protective of people who depend on them. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. We print the highest quality leo sun capricorn moon Its possible shell use others to escape poverty and climb the social ladder. Moon in Aquarius natives have a non-conformist attitude, are eccentric and original, artistic, withdrawn and independent. Your desire for power and your greed can take you on paths of solitude. Capricorn provides the discipline needed for them set and achieve their goals for these individuals are naturally ambitious. This woman expresses herself harmoniously and is able to make others appreciate her ideas. You are one of those who think that true love is found by treasuring experiences. It doesnt matter what life throws at him, the Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon man will always be able to put up with any challenge. You strive to achieve goals at any price. They are deeply intuitive, ever-evolving, and resourceful. These are just a few of the words people use to describe you. the Sun in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Aquarius. Along with your sun and rising sign, your moon sign is one of the most significant placements Its entertaining to be around them, even if they have this need to take a step back from time to time. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. The combination of Capricorn with Pisces rising gives a human and spiritual universal consciousness. Your valuation of knowledge makes you enlighten your friends and family when they are suffering from ignorance. The Capricorn Scorpio man is a determined, hard-working individual who excels in all areas of his life. Without this loyalty he can be dangerouswords are not enough. The danger lies in taking things to a fanatic level, or going down unclear, shady paths. WebCapricorn Sun With Scorpio Rising Vampire Instinct and reason give you a will to overcome anything. Born under Capricorns generous, forgiving gaze means discovering an innate sense of responsibility that can be channeled into superb problem solving. Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by the placement of their Sun, Moon, and Although you will meet many women who share these traits, the true nature of this woman is always unique. A Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon man is a rather secretive person with the ability to get easily hurt emotionally. You are not one of those who fix things with temporary quick fixes. So, while Aquarius is about changing society and institutions, its not about changing the actual humans. The words that define you well are discipline and obedience, qualities that you also expect from others. Just like all the Scorpios, they have a high libido and can make a woman go crazy. They are extra clever, and have an extraordinary amount of ability to understand new theories and comprehend them with ease. Having Aquarius Rising, you are often intolerant of other peoples shortcomings and can be wickedly sarcastic and very funny at the same time. They can be strong-willed and manipulative. The idealism of Mercury does not lighten the heavy Saturn, which makes realism prevail at all costs. You prize your friends and put them before all else. They are reliable and take their responsibilities vigorously. These texts about the sign of Capricorn and Saturn might interest you. They do not fear the unknown or the undiscovered. You are one of those who do not want to hear any talk about marriage. She is more concerned with the meaning behind an action than the action itself. You can feel compassion for the weak and generosity of heart, which is difficult for Aquarius. Aquarius with ascendant in Capricorn: with patience, you will always get what you want. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So close! When you are in love, you cant believe that this is happening to you. But beware! Not one for excessive self-pity, you dislike any show of weakness in othersperhaps because you fear your own weaknesses so intensely. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. The conservative side of this combo may make them seem like traditionalists, but they are often unconventional in their pursuits. Your patience and discipline make you a good mathematician. They should learn moderation in work, in opinions, and in the general forcefulness of their nature but are generally loathe to do so. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. She is a great communicator it seems like she never runs out of energy, and what she does have goes into others. They give a lot of importance to honor, ethics and the law. Family and inherited traditions play an important role for you. Your ascendant in Libra will not let the idealism that drives your sun sign turn into fanaticism. He has an intuitive side to him and can be rather hesitant when it comes to taking risks in his life. Capricorn Sun, Pisces moon, and Scorpio rising. Scorpio Moon individuals are extremely passionate and intense. Unusually accurate and personally insightful. You are the type to sequester your lover. Because she wants money, this lady will work hard and dedicate herself completely to her job. Advertisements You are Whatever the reason, with a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, your mission in life is a constant search for status. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Virgo elaborates concepts with reasoning, and Capricorn reviews and corrects them based on his experience. Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon people are the most ambitious of all earth signs, focused on maintaining control and rising to leadership positions. WebAll things considered, your Aquarius Ascendant agrees with your Capricorn inner self, which is equally impervious to people's advice and influence. Sometimes I feel needy because crave affection and reassurance. Your desire is to make the world progress with constant innovations. A cold person with others, hes an animal in bed. You have the makings of an ordained priest. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Though theyre passionate, theyre rarely open with their feelings. They are very capable to achieve their goals and tend to be steadfast in pursuing them. Intensely ambitious and goal-oriented, it is often said they will stop at nothing to get what they want. And no matter how compassionate you appear to be towards others, you instinctively look for Number One. Shes vibrant, lively and always on the go. They have a tendency to be obsessive about others, owning an almost stalker-like compulsion to delve into the most personal of secrets. WebBe Unique. Please leave a comment below and let me know. Deeply rooted in traditional values, you have strong feelings for family members and always try to be there when needed. We print the highest quality leo sun capricorn moon scorpio rising mugs on the internet And this makes them good leaders who can make good decisions and are able to control people. Welcome! It is more along that universal truth that we are all one, everything. the sign which crosses the eastern horizon at the moment of birth, is a major element of the natal chart because it describes our general behaviour and our outward appearance and indicates how people perceive us when they meet us for the first time. When they happen to be in the center of the stage, they prefer to keep things low key. Do not become obsessed. He has an intense personality that exhibits tremendous pragmatism, and can become a ruthless foe when crossed. Therefore, they promote stability. The Capricorn Sun sign is part of the earth element which creates this personality to be very sensual and food oriented. Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon people will work hard to have a flourishing career. Appearances matter a lot to me. What is it that Hahaha, Cap sun, Pisces moon, Libra rising. The Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon man is a bit of an enigma to many. Aquarius moon. Capricorn makes me ambitious and competitive but it is in my 12th so its not a dominant feature, just something that stays a steady baseline for me. You are the weirdest of Capricorns, since the eccentricities of Aquarius are not typical of a goat. Mars plays a fundamental role in your life and challenges you by making you face critical situations. Having Aquarius Rising, you are often intolerant of other peoples shortcomings and can be wickedly sarcastic and very funny at the same time. The influence of Uranus bestows independence, originality, friendliness, a reforming spirit, versatility, and a hatred of restriction. Capricorn moon. Try to expand your spiritual, intellectual, and emotional horizons, or you will be leading a truly cold existence. But he will stop to focus at romance only if hell be successful in his career. The austerity that you behave with, not as crazy as those of other natives of Aquarius, make your ingenuity yield better results. You will accept your neighbors only if you must, and only if they appreciate independence like you do. Or was it a Capricorn Waning Gibbous? In her twenties, she may seem superficial and flirty with anyone whos a little bit more eccentric. by Ryan Hart | Updated on June 15, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. They are also strong, intelligent and practical. Spoke on many things from healing, reincarnation, past lives, Atlantis, being your higher self. And he will be the best at what hes doing. Your concentration and application make you a reliable worker. You expect others to be just as devoted to you. They are intelligent, intense, focused, passionate, jealous and have an all-consuming nature. Not all Capricorns are the same. capricorn sun, pisces moon are able to stare into the abyss deeper than others without losing themselves. Prophetic capacity get projects done at work but she also keeps the family ship scorpio sun aquarius moon capricorn rising smoothly. 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